From birth, how we learn and develop shapes how we move and function in the world. Gravity is our lifetime companion and our muscles constantly hold up to this force pushing down. When we are misaligned with gravity our muscles and joints expend extra amount of energy to mantain the upright position resulting in tension and strain. Imbalanced muscles lead to distortion of joint alignment and compression and strain of the joint itself
All too often the movement limitations that we believe are due to not being flexible are instead caused by a habitual contraction and shortening of our muscles of which we are not conscious. How we stand and move is a reflection of the demands we habitually place on our structure. By reducing the effort we tune in our sensitivity. Becoming aware of perceiving differences, allows choice of movements, ultimately freeing us from aches and pains
Movement is generated by our muscles and is present in every action and aspect of our lives. It is the means by which we express ourselves and accomplish our intentions. The mental and the physical components of any action are two different aspects of the same function. Many are the ways to do whatever it is we decide to and yet it’s only when we choose how to go about it that we are truly free
Drawing on my personal journey of the Feldenkrais, Franklin and Pilates methods, I can help you heighten your awareness of posture, movement and effort.
I teach classes that focus on sensing, moving and resting to engage the whole body-mind system, allowing you to experience differences in order to replace ineffectual habits with well-organised ones.
The habitual movement patterns assert themselves despite our attempts to do otherwise and what I encourage is a change in our way of acting which aims at a dynamic change in the whole process of one's action.
Benefits include:
Reducing tension, aches & pains, better coordination of intention and action, improved balance, increase freedom in the breath, heightened clarity and awareness, sounder sleep, greater energy & happiness
My aim is to raise awareness of how we move and function. I encourage the experience of new possibilities of movement that will enhance many aspects of everyday life, resulting in a concrete and efficient way to greater vitality and wellbeing.
I have always had a passion for movement and have practiced yoga for more than 20 years. On discovering the Pilates method to rehabilitate from a knee injury I qualified as a teacher in 2007.
I have since established and refined my teaching skills, qualifying in 2016 in the Feldenkrais Method, a somatic educational system aimed at improving physical function by increasing overall awareness of movement.
In 2017 I completed the first module/year in the Franklin Method, which uses dynamic imagery, anatomical embodiment and educational skills to create lasting positive changes in the body-mind